Herzlich Willkommen zu unserer ersten IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge im Jahr 2020! Wir freuen uns darauf, das neue Jahr(zehnt) mit euch kreativ zu durchleben. Wir starten mit frühlingshaften Farben und einem sehr simplen Sketch ins neue Jahr und sind gespannt was euch dazu einfällt.
A hearty welcome to our first IN{K}SPIRE_me challenge in 2020!We are looking forward to a new creative year with all of you. This week we are starting with springlike colors and a very clean and simple sketch. We are looking forward to seeing all of your projects.
A hearty welcome to our first IN{K}SPIRE_me challenge in 2020!We are looking forward to a new creative year with all of you. This week we are starting with springlike colors and a very clean and simple sketch. We are looking forward to seeing all of your projects.