Herzlich Willkommen zur 266. IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! Heute haben wir eine Farbkombi mit zwei Schwerpunkten für Euch und sind gespannt, wie Eure Werke wirken, je nachdem, worauf Ihr den Fokus legt! Habt Spass beim Basteln!
A hearty welcome to the 266th IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! Today, we've got a color combination with two main focuses for you and are looking forward to seeing how your projects will look like, depending on where you lay the focus on. Have fun crafting!
A hearty welcome to the 266th IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! Today, we've got a color combination with two main focuses for you and are looking forward to seeing how your projects will look like, depending on where you lay the focus on. Have fun crafting!