Ein herzliches Willkommen an diesem schönen Donnerstag zu einer neuen In{k}spire_me Challenge. Heute haben wir einen detailreichen Sketch für Euch. Natürlich seid Ihr frei in Eurer Wahl, die einzelnen Elemente zu interpretieren. Schaut doch gleich mal, wie unterschiedlich unser Design-Team den Sketch umgesetzt hat. Und jetzt sind wir gespannt, was Ihr aus dem Sketch macht!
A warm welcome on this sunny Thursday to a new In{k}spire_me Challenge. Today, we have a sketch with many details for you. Please feel free to interpret the various elements. Let’s take a peek at what the Design Team has created for inspiration. We are really looking forward to see what you do with the sketch.
A warm welcome on this sunny Thursday to a new In{k}spire_me Challenge. Today, we have a sketch with many details for you. Please feel free to interpret the various elements. Let’s take a peek at what the Design Team has created for inspiration. We are really looking forward to see what you do with the sketch.
Designteam In{k}spirations