Für die aktuelle IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge #192 bitte aufs Bild klicken!
Please click on the picture to go to this week's IN{k}SPIRE_me Challenge #192!
Wir hoffen, Ihr genießt das (lange) Oster-Wochenende! Über Eure
zahlreichen Beiträge bei unserem Oster-Special haben wir uns sehr
gefreut. Wer noch Last Minute-Ideen braucht, sollte sich mal
durchklicken: Tolle Werke und spannende Ideen gibt es da zu sehen!
Hope you are enjoying the Easter weekend! So many of you joined our Easter Special last week - we are quite happy campers. Once again we had a great time looking at your contributions. If you need some lastminute Easter ideas have a look, too!
Hope you are enjoying the Easter weekend! So many of you joined our Easter Special last week - we are quite happy campers. Once again we had a great time looking at your contributions. If you need some lastminute Easter ideas have a look, too!
This week's winner is Cori who crafted this quite lovely bright and colorful Easter card!
Congratulations - you are welcome to download the Winner's Badge for your Blog.
Ebenso dürfen sich Karo (gleich mit zwei Karten) und Silke mit ihren sehr hübschen Osterkarten über die Runner-Up Plätze freuen!
Karo (even two of her cards made it) and Silke can get excited over being Runner-Up because of there wonderful Easter cards!
Wir gratulieren Euch recht herzlich und würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr Eure Gewinner-Badges auf Euren Blogs zeigen würdet.
Congratulations to all of you! If you feel like you could grab your Winner Badge and present it on your blogs!
We also like to announce the winners of our Easter special. Simone will be happy to receive the german stamp set "Geschenk nach Wahl"! And the chalk inkpad rose coral and a package of chalkboard paper will get a new home at SonjaK. Congrats to both of you - please send us an email with your address.
We wish all of you Happy Easter!