Wir wünschen Euch allen einen tollen und sonnigen Tag egal, wo auf der Welt Ihr seid! Diese Woche hat Petra einen Sketch für Euch, der halb so schwer ist, wie er auf den ersten Blick scheinen mag! Die Interpretation ist dann doch dehnbar und wir würden uns riesig freuen, wenn Ihr Eure Ideen mit uns teilt!
We wish all of you a bright and sunny day - no matter where you are! This week Petra has a detail-rich Sketch for you - just don't feel overwhelmed by the many elements, it is easier than it looks. You have lots of room for interpretation and we would be delighted, if you share your ideas with us!
We wish all of you a bright and sunny day - no matter where you are! This week Petra has a detail-rich Sketch for you - just don't feel overwhelmed by the many elements, it is easier than it looks. You have lots of room for interpretation and we would be delighted, if you share your ideas with us!
Designteam In{k}spirations