Ein herzliches Willkommen zur 102. IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! Nach der fröhlichen Farbchallenge von letzter Woche hat sich Annemarie diesmal wieder einen Sketch für Euch ausgedacht. Nach anfänglichen Ah's und Oh's im Designteam lautete der Tenor nach der Umsetzung: Boah, waren das viele Elemente! Und nun sind wir gespannt, ob Ihr das auch findet oder ob es Euch leicht fällt, Fähnchen, Schleife und den Rest unterzubringen ;-)
A hearty welcome to the 102nd IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! After last week's cheerful colors, Annemarie has created a sketch for you this time. At first the designteam members were delighted. But once the projects were completed, we heard plenty of sighing about how many elements had to be addressed ;-) What do you think? An easy task or way too crowded? We are looking forward to seeing your results!
A hearty welcome to the 102nd IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! After last week's cheerful colors, Annemarie has created a sketch for you this time. At first the designteam members were delighted. But once the projects were completed, we heard plenty of sighing about how many elements had to be addressed ;-) What do you think? An easy task or way too crowded? We are looking forward to seeing your results!
Designteam In{k}spirations