Herzlich Willkommen zur 97. IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! Diese Woche hat sich Annemarie eine Farbkombination mit drei scheidenden Farben ausgedacht. Noch einmal könnt Ihr Euch also austoben mit Rotkäppchenrot, Senfgelb und Rosé, bevor sie uns Ende Juni leider verlassen werden. Viel Spass dabei, wir freuen uns auf Eure Werke!
A hearty welcome to the 97th IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! This week, Annemarie choose a bunch of retiring colors. One final time you may play around with Riding Hood Red, More Mustard and Pretty in Pink before they will unfortunately be gone for good by end of June. Have fun crafting, we are so excited to seeing your projects!
A hearty welcome to the 97th IN{K}SPIRE_me Challenge! This week, Annemarie choose a bunch of retiring colors. One final time you may play around with Riding Hood Red, More Mustard and Pretty in Pink before they will unfortunately be gone for good by end of June. Have fun crafting, we are so excited to seeing your projects!
Designteam In{k}spirations