The last combined sketch and color challenge in 2011 for you was created by Jessie. Both things work great for modern Christmas cards, but they are perfect for birthday or thank you cards as well. You need those cards in December too once in a while. The sketch is a little bit different than normal. It's an Inchie-Card with 6 squares! Those cards are so much fun to make so we hope you'll join your challenge!
Wie immer könnt Ihr an den Kombichallenges bis zu 3-mal mitmachen. Entweder Ihr macht eine Karte nur aus dem Sketch oder Farbkombination. Und/oder wie das Designteam eine Karte auf der beide Sachen genutzt werden.
As always you can enter up to 3 projects this week. You can create a card using the sketch or the color combination. And/or you make a card which combines both things together, like the design team.
Designteam In{k}spirations